All Team Members

Mesbah Uddin

Mesbah Uddin

Mesbah Uddin

Representative - Dubai

Mesbah Uddin, Dubai representative

Faisal Chowdhury Jubair

Faisal Chowdhury Jubair

Ohidur Rahman

Ohidur Rahman

Shofiul Islam

Shofiul Islam

Representative -Makkah
Mehedi Hasan

Mehedi Hasan

Representative - Egypt
Kamal Parvej

Kamal Parvej


Mr. Kamal Parvez has 20-years of practical experience in working with different organizations of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He has long experience as Hajj-Guide under the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He also worked as part-time Daa-e.   Educational Attainment: Graduated in Computer Science &…

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdus Samad

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdus Samad

Prof. Dr. Mohammad Abdus Samad

Trained up more than 3000 Hajjis